Organizational Development in HRD

1. For this project you will choose an organization with which you have first- hand experience, analyze it from an OD perspective, then design an OD program or intervention for it. You may want to use the same organization that you used for the Organizational Culture Assessment (but it does not have to be); it could be an intervention to improve their organizational culture.
2. The report will include the following:

a. A brief history of the organization to provide background to the problems it has of at least one page. (10 points)

b. Organization chart, mission, vision, core values (10 points)

c. A description of one of the OD problems found there and its causes. (20 points)

d. Recommended interventions and your reasons for choosing the interventions. (30 points)

e. Expected sources and types of resistance, the methods you would use to overcome them, and your reasons for using those methods(20 points)

f. APA format, 12’ font, double spaced with title page and reference page with at least 2 references (one of those must be a book or journal article).Graduate students: at least 5 scholarly peer-reviewed references(10 points)

Undergraduate students – 4-6 pages of text

Graduate students – 6-8 pages of text
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