1. Use your knowledge of the Big Five Trait Theory and the information from your individual profile to indicate where you are on each of the spectrums below. Put a number from 0-10 in the table below for each trait.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
O *
C *
E *
A *
N *
*= Indicates the number from 1-10 for each trait.

O = Openness to experience
C = Conscientiousness
E = Extraversion
A = Agreeableness
N = Neuroticism ( Emotional Stability )
2. Write about 900 words about what you have learned about your personality traits during the course. Include information from the following sources:

• the spectrum above
• class materials
• the inventory profile
• personal experience
• personal insight
• Give specific examples of how these Big Five traits affect your attitudes, feelings and behavior in everyday life.
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