Satellite communications

1-Calculate the gain of a 3-m parabolic reflector antenna at a frequency of a) 6GHz; b) 14 GHz.
2-Calculate the gain in decibels and the effective area of a 30-m parabolic antenna at a frequency of 4 GHz.
3-Explain what is meant by noise factor. For what source temperature is noise factor defined?
4-The noise factor of an amplifier is 7:1. Calculate (a) the noise figure and (b) the equivalent noise temperature.
5-Explain why the LNA of a receiving system is placed at the antenna end of the feeder cable.
6-Describe briefly the modes of interference that can occur in a satellite communication system. Distinguish carefully

between satellite and terrestrial modes of interference.
7- Explain what is meant by single entry interference. Explain why it is the radiation pattern of the earth-station

antenna, not the satellite antennas, which governs the level of interference.
8- Explain what is meant by energy dispersal and how this may be achieved.
9- Explain what is meant by coordination in connection with interference assessment in satellite circuits.

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