People and Places in the Service Industries Portfolio Assignment Brief (NO MORE THAN 1500WORDS)


1. Investigation of Oberoi Hotel and Resort
a. Description of Oberoi Hotel and resort
i. General introduction
ii. Products and services
iii. Sense of place
b. Access in Oberoi Hotel and Resort
c. Traveller behaviour in Oberoi Hotel and Resort
2. Production of promotional material
a. Current promotional methods
b. Proposed promotional material
3. Reflection of future changes
List of Figures
List of Hyperlinks

1. An investigation into the tourism place you have chosen. (40 marks)
a) Provide a description of the tourism place you have chosen, including its sense of place, the products and/or services

it offers. Your description should touch on the place and the sense of it. (10 marks) [Your place] is a [café, themepark,

restaurant, event, etc]. It is located/held in …..[describe space and place]. Describe the place in 2-4 more sentences.

You could include a map (micro or macro scale)
– What does this tourism place sell, in terms of products and/or services?
– About half a page

If they are famous for their products and/or services, you could say that and include a hyperlink to evidences.

What is the sense of this place? Why do you say so? Think about ambiance, use of furniture, colour scheme, activities that

happen here (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly?)
• Provide evidence (probably pictures) and/or hyperlinks.
• Refer to article for Week 3 and cite

b) Analyse how the tourism place is made available, i.e. access. Your analysis should refer to lecture slides and the

assigned reading for Week 2. (10 marks)

• What are the available transport modes to your tourism place?
• Does your tourism place face any barriers to access on a macro, meso and micro level?
• Cover not physical but also communication and sensory access.

• How was the place designed? Did it utilise any of the Universal principles of design?
• You could for example, use the term “enablers” from Darcy & Dickinson (2009).
• Refer to reading for Week 2 and cite
• Map indicating access, e.g. bus/train stops
c) Analyse its customers and their behaviours in terms of their motivations, personalities, attitudes, perception and

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values. (20 marks)

You could provide photographs/pictures/artefacts/short video clips to support your description.
– Word guide: 600 words
– Video clip limit: No more than 3 video clips, and each no longer than 2 minutes
– Photographs & Artefacts limit: No more than 5 items. (When choose pictures be careful . it have to show something)

• Say who the customers are
• Describe this group, supported with reference(s).
• Link to theories discussed in Week 4.
Generally, people who visit [your tourism place] are local families with children. In terms of motivation and values, it

has been found that safety is a “critical determinant of choice for families with young children” (Khoo-Lattimore, Prayag

& Cheah, 2015, p. 23).

• Then say how your tourism place addresses this buyer behaviour.
[Your tourism place] appeals to this parents’ need for safety (Maslow, 1943) by placing a lifeguard at the pool-play area.

They also openly display qualification certificates of their staff members in the Kids’ Club to further communicate the

notion that the children are in safe care. (And you can hyperlink this to photos or attach photos here )

2. The production of promotional material for the tourism place you have chosen. (40 marks)
a) Based on the information you have provided above, evaluate the current methods used by the tourism place for promotion.

Your evaluation should discuss concepts and theories covered in lectures and readings in weeks five and six on digital

consumers and promoting space and place. (20 marks)

Link back to answers in Question 1 (166words Week5,6)
Currently, the resort’s landing page shows pictures of the resort’s main entrance and its swimming pool (insert homepage

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link here). Information on rooms and packages display pictures of the room configurations. These images lack the human and

personal aspects and hence do not convey the notion of “pleasurable memories” that sets the place apart from its

competitors (Blain et al., 2005, pp. 332). As highlighted in 1c above, the resort targets families with children. Images

of families sharing memorable experiences would have better appealed to the parents’ emotional response. It would also be

a good idea to include a separate page that suggests for parents activities they can do with children within and around

the resort. This would help engage parents not only when they are considering the resort as an vacation spot but also when

they are evaluating it. The suggestions would also help families make more out of their holiday and increase the loyalty

loop of the consumer decision journey (Court, et al., 2009)

b) Based on the 4 parts above, create ONE promotional material (e.g. a radio advertisement, a YouTube clip, a webpage, a

Facebook page or print ad) for the tourism place and justify the choices you made in the production of this material. This

promotional material can be in any form but must be attached to your portfolio, and justified in words. If your

promotional material is a video clip or web-based, hyperlink the material to your portfolio. (20 marks)

Word guide: 600 words

Image1 Image2 Image3
Based on the recommendations made in 2a, 3 images are designed to replace current images on the resort’s webpages. The

first image, which shows 3 generations of families spending time on the hotel property, is proposed to replace the current

READ ALSO :   Communications

image on the landing page. The second and third image show families relaxing in their hotel rooms while also emphasizing

the family-sized rooms and are proposed to replace existing images under room information. It is felt that these images

would….(again, link to theories)

Family activities at [your tourism place]
 Private family beach BBQ (on site)
 Hydroslides (on site)
 National Science Museum (10 mins)
 The Great Aquarium (10 mins)
 Petting zoo (5 mins)
 Chocolate factory (20 mins)
 The resort should add value for families on holidays by highlighting family activities provided by other holiday and

tourism providers . From research, a number of suitable activities in and around the resort are identified. It is proposed

that this information be included in the resort’s promotional materials, be this a webpage, e –newsletter or an

advertisement in the newspaper……
3. A reflection and anticipation of how this tourism place might change in the future. (10 marks)
Anticipate how this tourism place might change, providing support for your opinion. Your support should cover some of the

key concepts discusses in weeks seven and eight on changing landscapes and renewal and urban precincts.
– Word limit: 300 words

• What would change?
– Built environment or landscape?
• Is the anticipated change associated with urbanisation, gentrification, urban infill or urban redevelopment? (Week 8)
• Who would most likely cause this change?
– Consumers, Federal, State or Local Government (Week 7)
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