Consumer Behavior

Paper is to be 3 – 4 pages.

Writing is to be in APA format – double spaced, 1” margins, citations must be in quotation marks and must be properly

cited. Plagiarism = 0.

1) Find three ads that contain symbolism. Examine the symbols and discuss the meaning the symbols convey.

Identify the different types of signs used in the ads and the product qualities being communicated by each.

Additionally, find a symbol that might not or should not be used in advertising in the cultural context of America. Why

would you not utilize it?

2) Identify countries-of-origin of popular U.S. cars. Find out how many cars that we identify as “American” are made in

other countries and how many cars we identify as “foreign” are assembled in the United States.

A variation on this would be to do the same with heavy equipment (such as John Deere) or with motorcycles or cars that are

considered to be of Japanese origin.

3) Identify ads for two different product categories in which your family is targeted. Find another set of ads for two

different brands of the same items in which your family is not targeted. (FYI; I am Asian, same sex marriage (male/male)

single family, no kids , no pets)

Evaluate the ads as to their effectiveness. Why do you prefer one ad to another?

4) Find a product and describe how it was first introduced and how it has become diffused into the US economy.

Does it seem to fit the stages described in the text?
(my text is Consumer Behavior by Michael R. Solomon 10th edition)
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