Public Relations (PR)

create new blocks for your infographic that contain:
1. The sector of PR you are interested in working in and why.
(Tip: Adopt an informed approach and include some information about the
sector such as a definition, examples of organisations within that sector,
some statistics about the sector, professional bodies representing the sector
and the kind of PR role within that sector that you would like to be employed
2. Include information about any volunteer work or internships you may have
completed in the area of PR already. (Tip: If you haven’t yet done volunteer
work or an internship, talk about what you may like to do in your internship or
volunteer work).
Then using the social media outputs of your contemporary role model as examples;
3. Write a self-promotion tweet for your infographic that demonstrates yourself
as a great potential intern/volunteer/employee. (Tip: Don’t forget that tweets
are 140 characters maximum).
4. Write a self-promotion LinkedIn post for your infographic that demonstrates
yourself as a potential great intern/volunteer/employee. (Tip: Don’t forget to
keep your LinkedIn post short; 200 characters maximum).
(Tip: If your contemporary role model for some reason does not use these
sites, then please draw on another role model. Ask you tutor for helpful
suggestions on who else to use as a model for your tweet and post.)
Last tasks:
5. Please include all the blocks you have created this semester so that your
marker can see the entire infographic you have developed.
6. Ensure that all the references you have drawn on throughout the semester
are compiled into one reference block at the end of your compiled infographic.
7. Ensure that your infographic style guide is consistent across all 3
assignments so that it looks coherent in this final version.
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