
You are the HR manager for a small retail company that sells a high volume of products over the Internet. Your company is growing rapidly due to increased Internet sales. Your company prides itself on providing high-quality products and services. The Customer Service department is integral to the success of the company. Over the past few months, the Customer Service department has been unable to fill its openings for Customer Service Representative positions. You suspect there could be a number of reasons for this, but you know you first need to look at the job, the work flow, the knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience the company is seeking to ensure the job reflects the current workload and expectations.
1.Examine at least three (3) approaches that you can take as the HR manager to conduct a job analysis of the Customer Service Representative position. Suggest the major pros and cons of each selected approach. Recommend the approach that would be most effective in conducting the job analysis for this organization. Justify your recommendation.

2.Select two (2) out of the four (4) approaches to job design that are the most important for you to consider. Suggest two (2) challenges that you may encounter when designing a job using each of the selected approaches. Support your response with specific examples to illustrate the potential advantages and disadvantages of using each approach.

3.Using the four (4) approaches to job design, create two (2) strategies that the organization can implement to attct qualified applicants for the Customer Service Representative position. Justify the main reasons that the selected strategies would be effective.
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