For this assignment you need to…
a) Prepare a 20 minutes PPT presentation and one formal business report (a minimum of 2700 or 3,000 maximum words) (Consider the various points below, which serves as a guide only)
1) An outline of the business product / service & context
b) Background on company (history, profitability, market leader/follower, growth) & product/service, USP)
c) Outline the current business climate in which the company operates
2) An analysis of why the business is going international/is international
d) Factors which triggered international expansion if already international
e) Factors triggering international expansion, if not already international
f) The risks involved both internal and external to the company
3) An analysis of the marketing and corporate strategies that the business could use
a. Growth strategies
b. Entry Market Strategies (indirect exporting , direct exporting, cooperative, direct investment)
c. Standardisation or adaptation
d. Centralisation versus Decentralisation strategy
4) Details of the marketing decisions that need to be made for an effective marketing mix
a. International marketing mix decisions based on 4Ps or 7Ps (e.g product, price, place, promotion strategy).
Any other information you consider to be of interest relevant to answering the task at hand.

b) As part of your assessment you will need to complete an individual self-reflection. Outline your strength and weaknesses, challenges, overall group experience from your individual perspective.

APPLICATION OF MARKETING THEORIES/CONCEPTS -Please refer to Global Marketing text books and lectures). Use key marketing definitions/apply relevant marketing concepts/theories
 Use relevant examples to cement the concepts/theories.
 Use appropriate frameworks and models for analysis. For example you might include: – (SWOT, PEST/LE, PORTER’S FIVE FORCES MODEL, GROWTH MATRIX, and COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES. HARVARD REFERENCING SYSTEM – Use citations throughout your report, to show evidence of extensive research. List all books/e-books, journals, newspapers, websites, annual report etc. using the Harvard Referencing system.
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