An institutional economics of the Internet addressing

in this paper the introduction section is important.

1) What is the problem? (this is the motivation that sets up the research question)…

2) Why is the problem or research question important?

3) State the purpose of the paper

a. The purpose should be to: determine, discover, find…

b. The purpose should NOT be to: analyze, investigate, explore, estimate, review…

4) What was learned?

5) Who will benefit from the investigation?

Basic paper outline:

I. Problem

II. Research Question, Purpose

III. Results

IV. Conclusions

when you write the paper, you Should be explicitly aware of

Research Question.

Why is the question important?

What do you think the answer is?

Explain / Justify.

Arguments / Evidence.

Explain / Justify.

References to outside research.

Focus, coherency

Writing Style,

specifically organization, clarity, grammar and spelling.

So this is the plan for the research paper .

YOU must ask Questions and answer it based in the paper or any other “strong ” academic source.

You are free to chose the question and answer them , to let you know what to write about . my class is economy “Industrial organization” This is the Course Description for the class

is a field of economics which focuses on business enterprises (firms), how they

are structured internally and how they relate to the external structure surrounding them, especially market

power, bargaining power, political power, the level of competitiveness, size, and degrees of

concentration. In capitalism, the market mechanism – conceived of broadly as an institution – disciplines

firm behavior and evolution largely – in an ideal world – through price signals which convey information.

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Regulation is imposed upon firms by governments/other state actors with the intention of achieving

improved outcomes because the market institution, in many cases, does not exhibit the proper antecedents

to work well and transmit information regarding the costs and benefits of economic activity over different

time horizons. Aside from imposing costs, governments in many cases help support or “bail-out” specific

businesses or industries for long-term strategic reasons. Government intervention may be efficacious, or it

may not, particularly in dynamic and innovative environments where technology changes quickly. Briefly

put, markets can have major shortcomings (market failures) but so too does regulation and government

action if poorly designed. The role and scope of the public sector and the public purpose as it relates to

the private sector will be a major theme throughout. The description here of what industrial organization

is relates to power in the political sense at many nodes and is therefore deeply integrated with the fields of

political economy and institutional economics. As such, this course will necessarily cover politics and

history as much as it utilizes the conceptual apparatus of economics as we analyze the “big picture” in

which modern business firm exists. This will help us to start to uncover the truth of power relationships in

a multifaceted global economy.”
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