
she will receive nothing. Sue reluctantly accepts and banks the cheque, but a week later discovers that Peter has won a large sum on the lottery. She now wishes to sue for the outstanding balance.

4. ​On 1st July, Peter informs Sue that he has lost all of the monies on the stock market and cannot afford to repay her. Sue initially feeling sorry for Peter, tells him that she will write off the loan, but several days’later changes her mind and now wishes to claim all monies due.

5. ​Sue accepts Peter’s grand piano, believing it to be worth £25,000, though Peter believes that its value is only about £16,000, though he has not disclosed this information to Sue. On discovering these facts shortly afterwards, Sue wishes to take proceedings for the outstanding Balance plus interest.

Be able to understand the legal principles underpinning Business Law.
Identify and apply relevant legal principles.
Apply knowledge of basic legal principles to help solve straightforward business law problems
Identify relevant issues.
Identify, retrieve and utilise legal information.
Apply relevant legal principles to straightforward scenarios and support conclusions by the citation of authority and by analysis and analogy.
Undertake basic research in the area of business law.
Identify and retrieve relevant sources of information showing evidence by way of referencing and a bibliography.
Read and summarise legal material
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