Computer science

Week 1
Extra Credit #2 – Answer the following questions: (10 points on a quiz)
1. Search the Internet for various computer security certifications. List 4 security related certifications, the vendor,

and some of the areas they cover. For example – Security+ by Comptia covers …….
2. Go to and search for information pertaining to this course such as information security, cyber forensics,

ethical hacking etc. Click on some of the links and make note of the job outlook, pay scales, and other pertinent

3. Still at list some of the education requirements/suggestions a security professional should have.
4. Do a quick job search for anything information security related. What are some of the requirements jobs in our area

are looking for? and even googling “What skills should an information

security professional have?” can be helpful.
You dont need to write a disertation – just simply answer the questions. I’m not an English teacher and this isnt a

writing class 🙂 (unless I specifically ask you for a well written answer)

Week 2
List the 7 layers of the OSI model, briefly explain what each layer is responsible for, and then list 1-2 security

concerns at each layer.
Bullet points are fine.
Layer 1:
Physical layer – Transmission of electrical signals. Wiring.
Security Concern – Broken wires, tapped wires, physical access to resources.
I dont mind if you use this paper and sumarize the layers:
Week 3
Write a brief summary of Virtualization describing the hitsory and benefits.
Describe the relationship between cloud computing and virtualization.
Define the following: SAAS, PAAS, IAAS
List three major cloud computing service providers.
Based on your research into Virtualization and cloud computing, where do you see cloud computing in the next few years?
Week 5
We had a brief discussion in class with regard to Anonymous and their hack of ISIS twitter accounts. We had good

READ ALSO :   SARC 122 Assignment 8

arguments for and against the hacks and really the conversation can go either way.
I want you to write two separate arguments. One for and the other against this type of behavior. The arguments should be

clear, concise, and solid.
There is no limit or minimum requirement for this paper. It doesn’t have to be long. If you can get your point across in

1 page for both arguments then fine. If it takes more then that is fine too. I just dont want filler. I actually want you

to think about it and present arguments as though you were debating and winning an election of some sort depended on your

**Don’t mix arguments. This should be 2 separate and quick arguments.
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