
This assignment is based on a careful and thorough reading of the first chapter of Hansen, The Bird is on the Wing

(additional chapters in later assignments) and Roach, The Wright Company, the entire book. Most histories of American

aviation begin with the Wright Brothers. This one will do so as well. However, the Hansen reading will show you that the

Wrights were not the first to investigate powered flight – nor were they the only ones at work in the 1890s and early

1900s. Most histories of American aviation focus on the Wright brothers’ many accomplishments. The Roach book, in

contrast, will also focus on some of their shortcomings

For this assignment you will write three 3-page (double space, one-inch margins) essays. The total number of pages will

be 9. Each essay will be worth approximately 33 points.

Essay One (Hansen, Chapter One): Write an essay in which you explain how the Wright brothers’ pursuit of powered flight

was part of a larger national and international community of researchers.

Essay Two (Roach): Write an essay in which you explain how the patent fight slowed the development of an aviation

industry in the United States

Essay Three (Roach): Write an essay in which you explore two to three reasons – beyond the patent fight — why the Wright

brothers basically failed as aircraft manufacturers.

Roach, The Wright Company: From Invention to Industry (UD Library on-line, OHIOLINK, purchase or rent electronically from

OSU Press, Amazon and KINDLE edition)
Hansen, The Bird is on the Wing (OHIO LINK, also Amazon and Kindle edition)
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