Food safety at home and its relationship with food poisoning.

Most people do not know some of the basic rules to safely keep food in their homes and that is one of the main causes of

food poisoning and other food related problems.
Research Questions:
1) What is the correct way to ensure safe food?
2) What are the basic safety rules about keeping food at home?
3) What are the basic safety rules to prevent people being affected by food poisoning?
4) What are the main causes of people getting food poisoning?
5) What percentage of people knows the basic rules for food safety?
6) What is the level of awareness among people about these safety rules?
7) What illnesses result from poor food storage practices?
Research Objectives:
1) General Objective:
To identify the causes of food poisoning at home and the level of awareness among people about food poisoning.
2) Specific Objective:
1- To describe some of the health conditions in food safety.
2- To estimate the percentage of people affected by food poisoning in some countries every year.
3- To identify the main causes of people getting food poisoning.
4- To assess the percentage of people who know the basic rules for food safety and their level of awareness.
5- To determine the illnesses resulting from poor food storage practices.

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