Business Scenario:Note: Your report may not be based on a real business.
You have recently purchased afictitious medium sized business that operates in 4 different locations in the same city. You are looking to expand

your business to 10 locations across other cities in the near future if your business improves its efficiency and the market is ripe.
The business first opened in 1975 and it serviced the local community for many years. Unfortunately, business has been steadily declining over the

last few years. Although the previous owner was an expert at running the business, it is outdated. The only computers currently used by the

business are cash registers. All ordering takes place manually on paper. The previous owner had a terrific memory and knew all of his customers by

name, but unfortunately, none of this information is located anywhere on the premises. Sales and inventory are tracked on paper, along with

employee payroll, and marketing is conducted using newspapers and TV advertising. The business does not have a Website, uses very little marketing

except word-of-mouth, and essentially still operates the same as it did in 1975.
In order to improve and update your business you are going to implement a new information system. But information systems cost money, which is

something you do not have.
You are to apply to your local bank for a loan of up to a maximum $100,000 to improve business processes and bring the business into the 21st

century. (Note: You must request the actual amount of money calculated in your project budget) However the bank has asked you to support your

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application with a Business Report.
Assignment Marking:
The assignment is developed over the period of the course and comprises your entire Business Report.
There is a Business Report Writing Tool ). Use these tools to

help you develop your report. There is also a ‘Sample Report’ that will help you structure your report correctly.
Your Report should include:
1.1.1 Table of Contents
Update the table of contents ensuring that any additional headings, sub-headings and changes are showing. For Example: your final submission should

not show the marks attributed to that section in the heading.

Assignment – Business Report
Based on the Business Scenario students are required to complete a business analysis report that could be used to support a business bank loan

application for up to $100,000 (Your actual loan amount will depend on your calculated project budget).
Students can choose a type of business within any industry that they are interested in. For example if your major is accounting you could choose to

develop an information systems for an accounting firm that is currently paper based in order to bring the business into the 21st century.
Your report may not be based on a real business. You can review real businesses to get ideas to improve your business.
Your business must operate in 4 different locations in onecity. In the future your business may open 10 new operations in other cities to bring

your business empire to a total of 14 locations.

Below are the requirements of your Business Report. Please follow these guidelines along with the assignment rubric while completing this report.
Table of Contents Page
1.0 Introduction


1.1 Background

1.2 Aim

2.0 Business Overview

3.0 Business Analysis

4.0 Business Analysis Team

5.0 Business Analysis Team ICT (Information and Communications Technology consultants)

6.0 Business Process Analysis and Management (BPM)

7.0 BPM ICT Design

8.0 Customer Relationship Database Design

9.0 Project Plan

10.0 Project Budget

11.0 Conclusion

12.0 References

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