Strategic Management


1. What is Yahoo’s business model? Has it changed over time?
2. Examine Yahoo’s core resources. How well do they support Yahoo’s businesses? Do they
support Yahoo’s move into adjacent markets?
3. What corporate governance issues does Yahoo face? How do these issues affect Yahoo’s
4. What would you recommend Mayer do to put Yahoo on the right path?


1. Did Netflix underestimate the pushback from their price increase?
2. Did Netflix underestimate the bad publicity from their new pricing structure?
3. Did Netflix underestimate the number of subscription cancellations that resulted from their
new pricing structure?
4. Is Netflix actually correct in moving from mail order distribution to online streaming?
5. Did Netflix implement too quickly?
6. Can Netflix compete with Amazon Prime?


1. What is the role of Reed Hastings in leading Netflix through significant technological
2. Examine Netflix’s relationship with Amazon. What other benefits and dangers does Netflix
3. What is a learning organization? Can Netflix be considered one? If so, what evidence points
to that?

1. Do you think CMG is a successful company? Explain.
2. How does it compete?
3. How do CMG’s resources support the company’s competitive position?
4. What challenges does CMG face in late 2012? What should Steven Ells and Montgomery F.
Moran position CMG to respond to these challenges?
5. What would you recommend the company do? Why?

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