
Details of task:
This assignment requires you to choose a target market/s and to devise a positioning strategy via your use of product, price, place and promotional strategies for a specific wine produced by Australia’s First Families of Wine (for example, you might choose to focus on white wine, red wine, sparkling wine, non-alcoholic wine etc.) for the Brazilian market. As such, this assignment follows on from the first assignment and is designed to be equally practical so that you learn how to apply International Marketing theory to the real world.

In assignment one you undertook the groundwork for this assignment via a comprehensive environmental analysis of the Brazilian market. That analysis will now provide the platform for this assignment. In assignment two you will provide a detailed marketing plan using the following sub-headings:
1. Introduction (not included in your word limit, but no more than 100 words). Use it to briefly list the key environmental factors identified in assignment 1.
2. A brief description of your chosen target market (not included in your word limit, but no more than 100 words).
3. Positioning Strategy.
4. Product Strategy
5. Price Strategy
6. Place Strategy, including suggested Method of Market Entry
7. Promotion Strategy
8. Conclusion (not included in your word limit, but no more than 100 words).
9. Reference List

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