Biology (and other Life Sciences)

Each part write a half page. part1:Using the resources listed below pick a human genetic disorder and determine the

following: What genetic error causes the disorder? Is there a gene mutation? Is it dominant or recessive? Is there

another error beyond a simple mutation in one gene? What does the genetic error affect? If it is one gene that is

affected, what does the protein coded by that gene typically do? How common is this genetic disorder? What are its

symptoms? 1. Here are some good sources to use for your

2.information: part2: There is quite

a bit of information in the article “Engineering the Perfect Baby”. I would like to use this thread for discussion of

that article and any questions that you have. Let me start us off with a few questions for you to respond to: What does

it mean to edit a gene? What does the CRISPR technique do, and why is it more significant to edit a gene in the germline?

You watched a video in this module on the cause of and inheritance of cystic fibrosis. How might gene editing prevent

cystic fibrosis from ever developing in a child? What other human diseases could be prevented by gene editing? Article


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