Police ethics

Step 1: Watch video (Time: from beginning to 4 mins. 21 seconds – stop at the point where the officers return to the

station and begin interviewing)
The Bill Series 24 Episode 20 Corrupted Part 1
Synopsis of video:
When Will, Ben, Callum and Sally [Armstrong] are called to a disturbance at a nightclub, Sally ends up being rescued from

a brawl by Andrew Tipping, an undercover officer. Tipping works at another station and Sally later learns he was the

instigator of the disturbance and is in possession of cocaine. When he appeals to her to cover for him she makes a

split-second decision that puts her career on the line.
Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu8pcCYgVPo
Step 2: Applying your learning and using relevant readings and resources from your (Ethics) studies, write an essay of

approx 1200 words (10% only under or over is acceptable) that addresses the following questions/points:
1. Based upon your studies so far in relation to ethics in policing and the morally corrosive nature of police work, what

ethical issues were faced by Constable Sally Armstrong in the video (10 marks);
2. Explain how the ethical dilemmas and complexities of policing (eg. police culture, loyalty, police power and

authority, and the morally corrosive nature of police work) effected the behaviour of Constable Sally Armstrong (35

3. Discuss how the NSWPF Standards of Professional Conduct and Oath of Office promote ethical decision making by police

officers and help create a police culture that is resistant to corruption. Consider how adhering to these standards might

have led to a different outcome in the video (35 marks);
4. Ensure adherence to referencing (citing & reference list), grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and word

READ ALSO :   Answer these questions...

counts (20 marks).
Please ensure that you allow yourself sufficient time for the writing phase of this task. Quite often a good piece of

writing goes through several drafts before a satisfactory final product is produced.
Conduct your own independent research but the following references may also be useful.
Brien, A. (1999). Discretion and the rule of law, notes written for the old ADPP ethics subject PPP123, 1-13, retrieved

from http://doms.csu.edu.au/csu/items/f635ac31-0142-18e6-94f1-aff3f779dcf7/1/brien-a.pdf
Charles Sturt Univeristy (2015). APA referencing summary, retrieved from

Crime and Misconduct Commission Queensland (2013). Monitoring police ethics: a 2013 survey of Queensland recruits and

First Year Constables, Research and Issues Number 13, retrieved from


Crime and Misconduct Commission Queensland (2013). Reporting misconduct reporting in the QPS: the importance of ethical

culture, Research and Issues Number 11, retrieved from


Kleinig, J. (2008). Tensions within the police role, Ethics and Criminal Justice, Cambridge University Press, New York,

Miller, S., Blackler, J., & Alexandra, A. (2006). Police discretion, Police Ethics, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 93-94,

retrieved from http://site.ebrary.com.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/lib/csuau/docDetail.action?docID=10179806
Prenzler, T. (2009). Police Ethics, Ethics and Accountability in Criminal Justice, Australian Academic Press, Brisbane,

27-42, retrieved from http://site.ebrary.com.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/lib/csuau/docDetail.action?docID=10545979
Sunahara, D.F. (2004). A Model of Unethical and Unprofessional Police Behaviour, The Canadian Review of Policing

Research, Vol. 1, retrieved from http://crpr.icaap.org/index.php/crpr/article/view/17/16
only watch the video till the interview stage

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