International Affairs/ Relations

As you watch the movie, keep track of/take notes on the specific scenes that illustrate Afghan culture. Then use those notes to write a (minimum)500 word discussion of what the movie tells you about Afghan culture. There are many topics about culture to choose from in the movie including: attitudes towards foreigners (Russians, Americans), relationships between ethnic groups and social classes, attitudes towards government, attitudes towards religion, feelings about the Taliban, the role of women, attitudes about marriage and the family, attitudes about friendship, etc. Be sure to refer to the specific scenes in the movie to elaborate on your thoughts about Afghan culture.

To summarize, you should send one e-mail to me with 2 files:

• A file with the citation and summary pertaining to the political/government situation for each of the eight Arab Spring countries.
• A file with your 500 word discussion of what the movie Kite Runner tells you about Afghan culture.
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