
One of your clients has asked you to give them a report to help them decide which of two companies mentioned below they should invest in.
1:Coles .
2:Woolworths .
The two companies are top 100 companies on the ASX.(Australian Stock Exchange) Your client want a Report of about 4A4 pages (main part of the report) that:
Outlines the business of each of the two companies
Gives a comparison of the two companies
Gives some financial information about the companies including dividends and share price for the last five years.
They want the financial information as a comparison in:
Tables and
The submitted report will contain :
1. A cover which includes your company name and logo and the title of the report
2. An automatically updatable table of contents
3. An executive summary
4. A recommendation
5. The report on the two companies
6. A list of references used in the report
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