
Explain what in meant by changes in the concentration of employment over time. How did the concentration of employment change over the 20 century in North America?

2. Using the following graph as a starting point, explain the spillover effect and why it is important. What factors might lessen the effect of the spillover?

3. Explain how the lean production model changed the way human resources are managed what effect did this have on the types of jobs employers offered?

4. Explain the incidence and duration of unemployment? Why is it important government policy?

5. Explain the five themes we discussed in relation to Canadian labour market history in 20th century. Give an example to explain to each theme.

6. Explain the spill – over effect (usinggraphs) and explain what factors nay lessen its effects?

7. Explain the numeric and functional control of labour. What type of employer considers this an important issue and why it is important?

8. Explain how unions reacted differently to employers human resources policies in North America and in the Netherlands. What are the different results between the two labourmarket?

Part B:
9. Define all of them and use graph if necessary:

1- production function
2- labour market components
3- spill-over effect
4- lean production
5- stagflation
10. Explain why functional and numeric control of labour are important to a “lean production” employer. What can be employer do achieve these controls? Why do these controls make the industrial and salaried models unfavorable?

11. Explain the six characteristics of unions in North America. Show how their absence would create a negative effect for three of the six characteristics.

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12. Explain the five themes that were discussed in the introduction to human resources economics. To which of the three labour market components would you assign each theme? Why?

13. Explain the four types of the unemployment that we discussed in class. Explain how an individual would know their type of unemployment by using an example for each of the four types. Why is it important for policy makers to understand the different types of unemployment?

14. Using the formals we discussed in Class, how are the unemployment rate and the labour force participation rate calculated? Show the effect on each rate if a large group people left in area to work in another labour market. If you did not know about the labour force exodus. What clues would there be in the data?

15. Explain the role of immigration in the Canadian labour market in the twentieth century. How has the immigration requirements changed over the years?
16. Describe the two traditional models of human resources we discussed in class. Why do many businesses want a different model and what is the role of unions in this issue?

17. What is the relationship between discouraged workers and hidden unemployment? Explain how you would use the statistics we discussed and the data classifications to determine if there is hidden unemployment?

18. Explain the role of immigration in the development of the Canadian labor force in the 20th century. What makes immigration so much more important in Canada than in many other countries?

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19. Briefly explain the industrial and salaried model. Explain why many employers no longer find these models effective?

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