Discussion 2: Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Salovey and Mayer (1990) describe a framework for emotional intelligence (EQ) as “a set of skills hypothesized to

contribute to the accurate appraisal and expression of emotion in oneself and in others, the effective regulation of

emotion in self and others, and the use of feelings to motivate, plan, and achieve in one’s life.” Effective

collaboration is essential for the improvement of patient care. Advanced practice leaders must enlist the help of others

to accomplish the work required to improve today’s healthcare practice environments. But how does one harness emotions?

Research by Goldman (2006) suggests emotional intelligence (EI) is as important to an individual’s success as

intellectual intelligence. What a powerful concept! Could this premise help to explain why some highly educated and

intelligent individuals struggle to excel in their professions while others who have to work harder for empirical

knowledge do better? Hmmm… Not everyone agrees on the importance of EI. Perhaps, a little visit to the library is in


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey (1989) is a classic book advocating the importance of

personal leadership. Covey reminds us that leadership begins with self and that man is essentially his own Chief

Executive Officer (CEO). The idea that we take personal responsibility for our thoughts and feelings is rather foreign

thinking in today’s society. According to Covey, thoughts lead to feelings and ultimately actions. Many have been

socialized to believing that we “cannot help” how we feel or think. In other words, who we are is who we are! Covey

argues that a personal inventory provides the basis for personal change. After examining our paradigms (beliefs), Covey

suggests that we have the power to reshape paradigms that are not healthy and that prevent us from being successful in

life. Covey’s personal leadership principles remind us that we do not have to react to circumstances in our lives, that

we can choose how we view events, and choose our action. How powerful is this thought. If you have not read this

potentially life changing book, put it on your list of books to read.

For the following self-reflection exercise, you have the opportunity to appraise your current EQ and Style Under Stress.

Based on your assessment findings; you are encouraged to identify strategies that will improve your EQ and stress

management. Discuss findings with colleagues, peers and mentors, and seek out experiences that will improve your success

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as a leader.

Covey, S. R. (1989). The 7 habits of highly effective people. New York, NY: Fireside.
Goldman, D. (2006). Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ (10th ed).
New York: NY, Bantam Books
Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. D. (1990). Emotional intelligence, Imagination, Cognition, and
Personality, 9, 1989-1990.

Assignment Readings:

Bradbury & Greaves Emotional Intelligence 2.0
Transformational_leadership and emotional intelligence
Emotions and Leadership_The role of emotional intelligence
Assignment Instructions:

Login to www.TalentSmart.com/test to access the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal Test that accompanies the Bradberry and

Graves (2009) Emotional Intelligence 2.0 text. Click on the “I’m Ready” button, and then sign in using the unique

passcode (found in the back of your book). The passcode is good for one person only so used books will not benefit you.

Complete the assessment of your own emotional intelligence. Using your scores, write goals and identify strategies to

improve your “professional success and personal excellence.” This appraisal takes about 15-20 minutes to complete.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 includes the self-appraisal and the Emotional Quotient (EQ) Action Plan template. You can use

the website to set your goals and to track your progress. You may also find Chapter 4 of Emotional intelligence 2.0,

Digging in: My emotional intelligence action plan, helpful when transferring your Emotional Intelligence Appraisal scores

to an Emotional Intelligence Action Plan (pg. 56).

Find unique access code for self assessment in Bradberry & Greaves textbook. Complete the Style Under Stress Assessment.

Submit your findings online. You will immediately receive your Style Under Stress scores indicating your tendency to move

towards silence or violence under stress.

Share the results with friends, family, peers, supervisor and your classmates.

Discussion Questions

Do you and others agree with the findings? If yes, provide one or more examples in support of findings. If you or others

do not agree, explain the reasoning and provide one or more examples that counters the findings. Develop a personalized

Emotional Intelligence Action Plan, selecting one category for improvement and describe three strategies for

strengthening your EQ. Include your EQ score and selected strategies for improvement in your initial post. Critically

analyze the evidence for emotional intelligence. Offer your opinion of the value/meaning of emotional intelligence to

leadership. How do tendencies towards silence or violence impact success as a leader? Support your opinion with evidence.

Each student will post an initial post of no more than 500 words in the forum. First person may be used for this

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Each student will then cross post to other students contributing to a robust class discussion. Cross posts should be no

longer than 250 words.
APA formatting with reference citations is required
All posts should be written in the text box. Do not attach a pdf copy of your post.
When posting the initial forum discussion, select “start a new conversation”. Label “Initial Post”.
When posting the cross posts, select “rely to initial message”. Label “Dearmon cross post to Smith”.
Critical Elements for a Class Discussion

Follow the directions for the assignment. Keep the focus on the intent of the assignment and do not allow yourself to

drift too far. The following critical elements should guide your postings:

Prepare for the assignment by reviewing the unit content and resources. Students should demonstrate graduate level

understanding and analysis of the concepts and the relationships among ideas, identifying hidden assumptions or fallacies

in reasoning. Students are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply the principles or concepts in the lessons to

real-life situations integrating implications for advanced practice. Students should support their opinions with expert

opinion through a deep dive into the literature validating thinking and/or broadening perspectives/ understanding of the

Cross posts should elaborate upon the ideas of others or content found in the readings/keynotes by adding details,

examples, a different viewpoint, or other relevant information. The cross posts should provide original insights or

responses which integrates multiple views. (Just saying ditto, I agree, or restating the original post is not considered

elaboration.) There should be evaluation and feedback which assesses the accuracy, reasonableness, or quality of idea,

and provides constructive feedback to classmates.
The original post and cross posts should provide reflection and meaning by describing thoughtfully what the idea means,

uncovering new insights. The cross posts should raise questions as to what needs further clarification or discussion.

Personal or professional experiences may be integrated into the cross posts, but are not the sole purpose of the cross

The initial and cross posts should be posted by the due dates allowing time for classmates to respond. The author should

monitor their posts and respond to cross posts from other students. The online discussion should mimic a thoughtful

classroom discussion. Therefore, the students should demonstrate promptness and initiative in posting and remain engaged

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throughout the discussion.
The presentation of the post should demonstrate a clear and concise writing style appropriate to graduate level work

utilizing appropriate terminology. References should support posts according to APA formatting guidelines.
Grading Rubric for Discussion Questions

Overall points are awarded based on the degree to which the submissions contribute to class discussion. Students must

show evidence of engagement throughout the week and postings that reflect application of the assigned lesson materials.

The posts are timely and relevant. The posts demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the required reading and resources

provided in the Lessons section of the course. The initial post fully addresses the required content for the Discussion

questions. Ideas are supported by scholarly references. The student actively participated throughout the discussion.
The posts are timely, relevant, and self-initiated. The posts reflect understanding of the material presented. The

discussion is not fully supported with scholarly references. The initial post addresses the required content for the

Discussion questions . The student participated in the discussion in an above average manner.
The posts do not add much to the conversation. The posts reflect minimal understanding of the reading and resources

provided. Minimal evidential support is supplied for statements. The initial post addressed the majority of the required

content in some manner. The student participated in the overall discussion in an average manner.
Activity in discussion is minimal and posts lack in substance. The postings fail to demonstrate mastery of the material

presented in the readings. The posts fail to meet the expected requirements for the discussion questions.
The student failed to participate in the discussion after placing the initial post. The initial post met the assignment


The student failed to participate in the discussion in any manner.

A lack of scholarship point deduction (up to 20% of the total point value of the assignment will be applied to address

deficiencies such as APA errors, a lack of clarity and conciseness in writing, grammatical and spelling errors, exceeding

the prescribed work limit, and poor overall writing skills. For this assignment a maximum of 2 points can be deducted.

The amount of the deduction will be at the discretion of the faculty grading the assignment.
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