You work as a transportation analyst for Peregrine Trucking Co. The company’s president has asked you to evaluate the

potential of reducing fuel cost by using trucking equipment that is more efficient and socially conscious by proposing at

least five processes or rules

– Be sure to include equipment (tires, efficient engines, etc.), new rigs (tractor/trailer), and fleet operating rules

as part of the five.

– You must also calculate the fuel saving possibilities of each process or rule proposed in reducing fuel costs and

assess where savings gained can be used to benefit the company, improve service, and add value.

– Describe how management can track and monitor fuel consumption and delivery patterns. Lastly, you must recommend a

focus of the fuel cost savings plan that utilizes all resources available to the company

As an analyst, you should evaluate all resources available. Consider using the Smart Way webpage (see recommended

websites), the course textbook, library resources and additional Scholarly Sources to support your contentions.

Course textbook:if you need access to my e-text I can give you the username and password.

Coyle, J., Novack, R.A., Gibson, B.J., &Barbi, E.J. (2011). Transportation: A Supply Chain Perspective (7th ed). Mason,

OH: South-Western CengageLearning.ISBN: 978-0-324-78919-5

Recommended website:

Institute for Supply Management. Retrieved from:

U.S Environmental Protection Agency Smart Way site. Retrieved

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