Ice Cream Consumer Analysis

Research Requirements: 0 MRI/University Internet Reporter spreadsheets (Moodle)
o a minimum of 5 articles (databases + internet)
Consumer Research: Lifestyles, Attitudes and Behaviors of Ice Cream Consumers
Use the library’s article databases and online sources to research the people who buy and consume ice
cream. Report on as many characteristics as you can find about these people, including their
demographics, psychographics, behaviors and the benefits they derive from buying and using ice cream.
This section should be approximately 2 pages in length.
To get started, think about questions like these:
0 What product features seem to be important to different kinds of consumers?
o How do attitudes toward ice-cream/desserts vary among consumers?
o What are these people interested in? When do they use ice cream? How does it fit into their
Do not try to segment yet. Just write a report on ice cream users.
Market Segmentation of Ice Cream Users: 3 Groups
Having written your report above, you should now be prepared to think about differences MarketSegmem
between buyers of ice cream. Based on the information you reported, divide consumers ClemgisNWm
into three different segments. For each segment, describe the main characteristics of
consumers in that group. Be sure to use a combination of characteristics; i.e., don’t mycmm
describe each group only by age; combine age, attitudes, needs, benefits, psychographics,
etc. in each description.
Quick and Convenient
Each segment will have a subheading that provides the name of the segment, followed by
a written profile of the people in that segment.
Buyer Demographics:
Use MRI+ Mediamark Internet Reporter to obtain demographic and geographic data for yoga ice cream
1. The BA 415 Moodle site provides four spreadsheets for this assignment. You will compare
principal shoppers” to one of the usage groups: “heavy,” “medium” or “light”.
1. Required Spreadsheet: Ice Cream Principal Shopper 2010.xls
2. Select ONE from the following:
a. ice cream heavy 2010.xls
b. ice cream medium 2010.xls
c. ice cream light 2010.xls

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Title To do your comparison, begin by constructing two tables: one for principal shoppers, and one
for the heavy, medium or light user. Use the % Down and Index numbers, as we did in class.
Tables are required to use the format provided below. Niether MRI table in this section should
exceed% page. Put both tables on the same page so they are easy to compare.
Ice Cream Principal Shopper – Last 6 Months
Demos Fall 2010
Down Index
Source: GfK MRI+ Mediamark Internet Reporter (2010)
Following each table, write a summary like this: “The ice cream principal shopper is primarily
(male/female), has a (college, high school, etc.) education, and is aged (age category). Ice cream users
tend to be engaged in (professional, sales, management, etc.) occupations, and their incomes range
from (income categories)…” [Note: It is possible that the categories you select will be different than
those provided in this example].
Finally, based on your tables and descriptions, answer the following:
o How do principal shoppers (i.e., the average ice cream user) differ from heavy, medium or
light users?
Media Usage: Heavy, Medium or Light Ice Cream Users
Create a third table listing relevant media usage of the people who are either heavy, medium or light ice
cream users, whichever you selected above. Select two vehicles/formats from each of the following
categories: cable, tv, radio, magazine and web sites. Select media on the basis of Percent Down and
Index numbers, as before.
The table should not exceed 12 rows.
Beneath the table, provide a one paragraph summary of the MRI media data. Do not duplicate the rows
and percentages provided in the table. Instead, describe the media that consumers are likely to use. See
the dos and don’ts below.
DON’T Nine percent of heavy ice cream users watch early evening network news shows (Index 150);
6.8% watch the news in the morning (Index 136). Users (25%) watch CNN with an index of 104.
The percentage of users who read Huffington Post is 10% with a high index number of 174.
Do People who are heavy users of ice cream tend to use news media, including broadcast evening
news, CNN, and websites like Huffington post.
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