Reassessment Report on application of Network management tools

This assessment is designed to test your abilities in applying network monitoring and network management tools for

identifying network problems in real-life scenarios. You should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the tools and

techniques you studied in the lab sessions. Your report should review literature related to a problem you wish to

discuss. Following the review, you need to write a technical report on how you will use Observer or OpenNMS platforms to

identify and/or diagnose the problems. There will be a demo/viva, where you should be able to justify the technical


You are free to select any problem area, but you need to agree it with your tutor. Ideally, you should choose an area


Monitoring Quality of Service
Managing network security
Managing Network performance
Managing wireless networks
Managing network users
Remote monitoring in corporate networks
Network Management in Manufacturing
Network management for green ICT
SNMP for diagnostics and troubleshooting network problems
Managing cloud infrastructures using SNMP
Device management using SNMP
Network Mapping
You will produce a detailed technical report between 4000 and 5000 words (excluding references). Titles, Contents pages,

and Bibliography are not included in the final word count.

IMPORTANT NOTE : All your findings MUST reflect use of either OpenNMS or Observer in context of your chosen topic. A

non-technical generic report will not fetch marks. Ideally, you will perform some experiments and use screen-shots to

help you with your discussion.

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