Kinimatics and Dynamics

Assignment Task
Design and implement an experiment to verify the relationship between the precession angular
velocity, the spin angular velocity (number of radians per second the gyroscope is rotating about the
z-axis in Fig. 1), the applied moment (r6 XW in Fig. 1) and the rotational mass moment of inertia
1:) of a gyroscope in steady precession.

You are required to submit an individual laboratory report (2 pages in length) that describes clearly
and concisely the experiment done and results obtained. The report should be produced with a word
processor such as Microsoft Word and not hand-written. The report must contain a graph showing
verification of Eq. (1). Although laboratory work will be done in groups, each student must submit
their own individual laboratory report. it is expected the report will contain the following

Title: 3
Name & Date:

Aim: Briefly describe the purpose of the experiment.

This section should give the step-by-step procedure used to carry out the experiment.
Results and Discussion:
Results should be presented as a graph. The graph should be labelled underneath as Fig. 1. On the
graph, use lines to represent theoretical estimations and points to represent experimental data. Refer
to the figure in the discussion. The discussion will explain (in words) how the graph confirms the
relationship between the precession time period and the spin angular velocity. It also should ofier a
brief explanation for any differences between the theory and the experimental results.
Brief/y state how the experiment fulfilled the specified aim and what was learned from the

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