Golden Debt Reduction Scholarship

Description: The Golden Key Education Debt Reduction Award assists members with repayment of student loans. Emphasis will

be placed on professional goals and plans for the future, listing of student loans and impact this award would have on a

member’s current financial situation.

Scholarships Available

Criteria: Professional goals and plans for the future, listing of student loans and impact this award would have on a

member’s current financial situation.

Application requirements:
1. A personal statement, no more than 3 pages, discussing your personal and professional goals over the next ten years.

Be sure to address what are the most significant experiences in your background that have influenced your chosen path

since obtaining your degree.
2. Answers to the following two questions:
a. What impact would this $10,000 have on your current financial situation? (500 Word Max)
b. What financial obstacles have you had to overcome in obtaining your degree? (500 Word Max)
3. Résumé/CV.
4. A list of all student loans and financial assistance received while enrolled in classes at the undergraduate level and

the graduate or post-graduate level if applicable. Official documentation of loans is required to be submitted with your

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