Development Economics

Learning Scenario

Universal Property Investment Group (UPI) is an overseas property investment company
based in the USA that owns major shopping centres in USA and Canada. UPI plans to
expand their market and is looking for opportunities to have property investments in Australia.

After establishing a successful Newcastle based business in commercial construction
projects, Mr. Tommy Sun, the Managing Direct or of Sun Constructions Pty Ltd wants to
expand the business into property management. A new affiliated company, Sun Property
Management Pty Ltd has been established recently to manage commercial properties in the
Newcastle area.

An opportunity has arisen as the re-developed shopping centre at Charlestown Square is up
for sale by tender in the Newcastle area. Through business connections, Mr David Finn, the
Investment Manager of UPI has met Mr Tommy S un. As UPI is interested in bidding for this
shopping centre and Tommy sees this is an opportunity to expand its property management
into large commercial facilities, they are willing to work together for this tender.

You are the newly appointed Project Manager of the Sun Property Management Pty Ltd and
are assigned to prepare two reports to UPI:

(1) A property management proposal for the Charlestown Square shopping centre,
including a property management plan, long- term strategies for life cycle of the
property, and budget expenditure of the shopping centre.

(2) A feasibility study and recommended tender price for the Charlestown Square shopping
centre, including a joint venture proposal, finance arrangement, tax implications,
property market analysis, investm ent analysis and risk analysis.

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