
Use the headings provided in quotations for each topic. Each topic should be at least one paragraph long unless stated

“SaaS and Cloud Computing”
• Discuss the fundamental advantages and disadvantages of using software as a service (SaaS) within organizations. Next,

give your opinion as to why SaaS has become a common delivery model for many business applications.
• According to the textbook, most experts believe that security is a concern when using a cloud computing platform, and

users play an important role in its success. Imagine that you have been asked to provide suggestions for an organization

that is planning to acquire a cloud computing provider. Select one (1) out of Gartner’s seven (7)cloud-computing security

risks, as discussed in Chapter 14 of the textbook, and suggest one (1) way in which you would negative the chosen risk

for the organization for which you are working. Justify your response.

“Expert Systems and Intelligent Agents”
• Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research articles on expert systems and companies which use them. Next,

select two (2) companies that currently use expert systems. Then, discuss the fundamental advantages and disadvantages of

using expert systems instead of human expertise within the companies that you have selected. Provide a rationale to

support your response.
• Select one (1) of the four (4) categories of intelligent agents, as discussed in Chapter 13 of the textbook, that is

currently available. Identify the main risks of using intelligent agents in the category that you have selected. Next,

speculate on one (1) way which you would use in order to mitigate the risks in question. Justify your response.

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“Management Support Systems” Please respond to the following:
• Review the main management support systems discussed in Chapter 12 of the textbook. Next, select one (1) such system,

and describe its key components, capabilities, and the overall manner in which an organization could benefit from it.

Include one (1) example of such application and related benefit(s) to support your response.
• Recommend two (2) strategies for designing a successful management support system for an organization. Provide a

rationale to support your response.

“Community Efforts and Managing Public Relations (PR)” Please respond to the following:
You are a new PR intern at Apple. Apple is donating 200 iPads to a local inner-city school to promote technology in

education. As a PR intern, you need to get the word out about this event. In your discussion post, compose a tweet (a

tweet is 140 characters or less) and a Facebook post (200-250 words) creating awareness for the event.

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