Discourse Analisys

Assignment 2:
An analysis and interpretation of text, with a focus on ideational and textual meanings.

Task: 2500 – 3000 words of analysis and interpretation of ideational and textual meanings in your text.

Your analyses will draw on the theorization of ideational and textual meanings that you have been introduced to in

lectures, and very importantly in your readings.

Note: You must attach all your analyses as an appendix to the assignment. AND you are also advised to incorporate

excerpts from your analyses into the body of the assignment to illustrate the points you are making.

Criteria: To critically deconstruct instances of discourse, demonstrating in the process:
• a familiarity with the theoretical models introduced in the subject;
• an ability to apply the tools introduced in the subject in the accurate analysis of texts;
• an ability to interpret the analyses with reference to the social context;
• an ability to represent the analysis and interpretation in a clear and comprehensible way.
Further guidance
You should work on the same text that you chose for Assignment 1 – the one you analysed interpersonal meaning. So you

will already be very familiar with the text. Review key readings on SFL and discourse analysis, especially on ideation

and on periodicity. Have these resources handy as you work on your analyses. Many of them contain useful examples of

analysis and tables of examples to assist you in making theoretically sound decisions. Give yourself plenty of time to do

the analyses.

In relation to IDEATION, the aim is to be able to discuss how field is construed in the kinds of activities that unfold

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in the text (activity sequences) and the kinds of settings involved. You will also be identifying preferences and

patterns in how entities are construed (lexical relations). You want to be able to then interpret your analyses as

commentary on the way ‘reality’ is construed in the text. There are many ways a writer could represent the world in the

text. What kind of choices does this writer make?

When you are considering the kinds of entities – you can be thinking in terms of whether they are dominantly human or

non-human, and whether they are dominantly concrete / everyday entities, or technical or abstract entities. What kinds of

taxonomic relations do these entities enter into?
How does the ideational meaning in the text pattern across the text? Do you find different kinds of entities in some

phases more than others?
You could do the same for an analysis of settings (circumstantial meaning).
As with assignment one, you might like to use colour to highlight patterns in the choices the writer is making.

In relation to PERIODICITY, the aim is to be able to discuss the text from the perspective of mode. This has to do with

how the text organizes the ideational and interpersonal meanings into a message – a message organized as waves of

meaning. When you are considering PERIODICITY, come in from the top down. Be looking for higher-level waves of meaning in

the whole text, then move down to look for waves on smaller wavelengths.

ALWAYS begin by reading the texts – over and over again with the questions you want to ask in mind as you read. This will

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help you to see what will be interesting to focus your analytic work on.

In drafting your interpretation you will work from what your analyses show, identifying the choices and patterns you have

found. You will then interpret these in terms of the kinds of meanings they express. You can use the same guidance you

were given for assignment 1 on how to construct an analysis and interpretation paper. More guidance on structuring your

report will be provided for you during class.
Always remember to show your analyses in your appendices.

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