
INSTRUCTIONS: Assignment: What is the primary message (or what are the primary messages) that Rossetti hopes to impart to

readers in “Goblin Market”? Are feminists correct in believing it is message of female strength and hero creation? Are

social and historical critics correct in suggesting the message is meant to smooth women’s entrance into the world of

capitalism (the figurative “market”)? Are religious and spiritual theorists correct in arguing that the poem is a

representation of the temptation, fall, and redemption of one’s spirit? Are conservationists correct in suggesting that

it’s a representation of Rossetti’s love for nature? Is one of these groups more correct than the others? Are they all

correct? Are they all wrong?
This essay will be subjective, stocked full of your opinions, which are then supported by the claims of others, textual

evidence, and your own analysis. Be sure that you have read Chapters 1-7 in They Say, I Say to help guide in evaluating

and responding to other people’s opinions.

You should cite the text of the poem to the website that I provided (unless you read it elsewhere).
Here is that citation:Rossetti, Christina. “Goblin Market.” Representative Poetry Online. 1862. University of Toronto

Libraries. [Your Access Date, without brackets] <
Be sure to write a clear, accurate Works Cited page and match any sources on your works cited
page to their parenthetical citations within the text.
• Please understand that sources such as Wikipedia, About.com, Dictionary.com, SparkNotes (or other literature summary

sites), and other sites should not be used as professional sources. Please use sources found from MJC’s library, journal

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list, and online periodical databases.
• MLA must be observed in formatting and documenting (both on your Works Cited page and
parenthetically—see Chapter 11 of Writing and Revising)-ATTACHED IN THE FILE SECTION.
• please review plagiarism policies in syllabus and remember that plagiarism is not tolerated in any form. Students found

to be recycling previous material, copying or misusing copyrighted
Information, using someone else’s work, and/or misleading their audience with ideas, evidence, or thoughts not their own

will be referred to the Dean of Literature and Language Arts and, if need be, the Vice President of Instruction.

Furthermore, students will forfeit a grade on the assignment or essay that has been plagiarized.


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In one of her great masterpieces, the Goblin Market, Rossetti commented that she profoundly meant nothing. She postulated

that the poem was a simple fairy tale. However, there were several themes drawn from the story including the aspects of

capitalism and the Victorian market economy as well as a feminist glorification of sisterhood concept. The literary

reputation of Rossetti experienced a massive revival after feminist, historical, and religious criticisms of the Goblin

market poetry.
The criticisms of social and historical perspectives of the poem became more popular in 1970s. One of the

fundamental themes that emerged from Goblin Market is the role of women in the economy of the society (Mendoza 2).

Statements from the poem about the Victorian economy and capitalism heavily support the theme. Rossetti wrote the poem

during the Victorian era when there were rapid social changes across Europe. This period was marked by female suppression

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in the society, thus, forcing Rossetti to shed light on the feminist contribution in the Victorian market hence,

signifying the relevance of women in the society (Brandt 5).
Literature Summary
From the poem, the role of women in the economy is demonstrated by ideologies and social stigmas brought forward by the

two sisters; Laura and Lizzie. Rossetti creates the modern female heroines through women participation in the economy

(Brandt 11).
Thesis Statement
From the social and historical theorists’ point of view, Rossetti’s masterpiece, ushered women in the world of capitalism

(Mendoza 3). However, the primary aspect to be determined in the poem is whether women’s entrance into the capitalist

world was propagated by the description of the feminist role in the Victorian economy. Although Rossetti decries any

intentions in developing this theme, in my opinion, she might have successfully juxtaposed the two positions. From the

poem, Lizzie’s act of heroism involved several aspects that touch on goblin merchant men. Furthermore, the brave deed of

Lizzie can be attributed to her ego in facing goblin’s insidious business.
Brandt, Katja. Christina’s Rossetti’s “Goblin Market.” Academi University Journal, 2006.
Mendoza, Roman. “Come Buy”: The Crossing of Sexual and Consumer Desire in Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market. Journal

of Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture, 2007. Retrieved from:

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