Business Studies

1. Research about Soyuz Capsule System. Describe this system in detail.

2. List the various subsystems in the system and describe them.

3. Prepare a context diagram of the system

4. Prepare a context diagram of a selected subsystem.

5. Prepare a Feature Diagram of the system, with at least 3 levels.

6. Prepare a feature diagram of one of the subsystems with at least 3 levels. All subsystems must be modeled.

7. Prepare a functional block diagram of the system. At least 10 functions must be present in the diagram.

8. Prepare a functional block diagram of the selected subsystem. At least 10 functions must be present in the diagram.

9. Prepare an IDEF0 diagram of the system utilizing the same functions as above.

10. Prepare an IDEF0 diagram of the subsystem utilizing the same functions as in the functional block diagram of the subsystem.

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