global trade distribution

Using at least one company with which you are familiar, discuss critically the global trade distribution issues drawing out points arising from the topics covered in the module lectures.


You have selected and started work collecting information about a company that is involved in global trade distribution.

This assignment is an individual piece of work covering the topics covered so far in the course and building on your material collected to date.


This module is about global trade distribution. Credit will be given for drawing out issues covered in the module lectures. You should include a small number of references to relevant books, journals, or other sources set out using a Harvard style of referencing and citing. The assignment should demonstrate some of your critical thinking, and application of academic material to your practical case. Keep in mind that this essay is used to assess your achievement of the module intended learning outcomes.

Start by setting out briefly, your choice of company. Then continue with critical discussion of the topics discussed in this module as applied to the company.

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