Comparisson essay between two paintings

(I) Madame Cézanne:

-Madame Cézanne Sewing (ca. 1877; Nationalmuseum, Stockholm; gallery 962)

-Portrait of Madame Cézanne (ca. 1890; Musée de L’Orangerie, Paris; gallery 961)

-Portrait of Madame Cézanne in a Striped Dress (1883-85; ? ; gallery 962)

-Madame Cézanne in a Red Dress (ca. 1888-90;

-Madame Cézanne in a Yellow Chair (ca. 1888-90; Fondation Beyeler, Basel; gallery 955)

(II) Permanent Collection Galleries:

-Chassériau – Comtesse de La Tour-Maubourg (1841; 2002.291; gallery 801)

-Corot – The Letter (ca. 1865; 29.160.33; gallery 803)

-Constable – Mrs. James Pulham Sr. (1818; 06.1272; gallery 808)

-Morisot – The Pink Dress (ca. 1870; 2003.20.8; gallery 821)

-Cézanne – Seated Peasant (ca. 1892-96; 1997.60.2; gallery 822)

select one painting from each group: one portrait from the Madame Cézanne exhibition (I) and one 19th Century portrait from the five choices in (II).

Your assignment is to write a concise visual comparison of your chosen portraits. Choose your pair carefully: part of the assignment is to select a pair which generate a specific thesis. You might consider how portraiture changed (or did not change) across the 19th century, how class or gender were depicted by different artists, or how intimate knowledge of one’s subject impacted (or did not impact) portraits.

Once selected, look carefully and patiently at your pair. In addition to subject matter, formal qualities to consider may include line, color, proportion and scale, point of view, paint handling, light and shadow, perspective and composition. You do not necessarily need to discuss all of these aspects in your paper; focus on those that support your thesis. It goes without saying that

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????Yokohama Museum

?Museu de Arte de São Paulo; gallery 955)


the quality of your paper will correspond directly to the quality of your first-hand encounter with the paintings.

Papers must have a clearly-stated thesis that you have developed through looking and thinking. Be sure to clearly state your thesis in your introductory paragraph. Your thesis can reflect your personal response to your pair but must be supported by visual evidence. Be sure to be specific in your analysis: you should not merely describe what is depicted but analyze how the subjects have been represented.

This is not a research paper and you are not required to read more extensively about your chosen pair. Basic information such as artist biography or broad discussions of eras/movements should be avoided. If you do make use of any outside material or ideas, cite them accurately and completely. This includes any websites or any museum materials (audio tour, wall text, etc.) Plagiarism of any kind will result in a failing grade in the course and be reported to the University for appropriate disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes more than one student submitting markedly similar papers.

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