Written Assignment#1_Week#1_ENT201 Entrepreneurial Readiness

The best way to find information about what it is like to be an Entrepreneur is through gathering primary data, through interviewing actual Entrepreneur’s. The goal for this assignment is to Interview at least three self-employed people

Write a 2 page paper.
Address the following in your paper:
•What were their first steps?
•How did they arrange financing?
•If they had it to do over, what would they do differently?
•What part does creativity play in their business?
•What are their tangible and intangible rewards?
•What was their best marketing technique?
•What portion of sales did they spend on advertising?
•Did they hire more employees than expected?
•What makes their business different than their competitors?
•How did they use social media?
•Did they write a Business Plan? Do they wish they had? If they did, did they revise it periodically?
•Are net profits what they expected? Would they do it again?

In addition, you may indentify additional question as you go through the interview process, be sure to identify these quesetions and include them in your final write up.

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