” what if Saudi Arabia runs out of oil”

Problem-Solution Essay
Purpose: To learn how to structure an argumentative essay, synthesizing your own opinion with
the published work of others.
1. The Problem-Solution paper should be 2 pages, double-spaced.
2. Choose a very narrow area/topic in your field that you are interested in and one that
generates discussion and debate. It might be a topic you are considering for your thesis or
one that you are writing a paper on for a different class. which is ” what if Saudi Arabia runs out of oil”
3. Follow the problem-solution essay guidelines in Swales & Feak, Unit 3. See the example
on p. 107. Note the organization:
1. Description of the situation
2. Identification of the problem
3. Description of a solution
4. Evaluation of the solution
4. In your essay, raise a question, analyze it, and offer a possible or partial answer.
5. In addition to including your own opinion, cite the work of at least three academic
sources (e.g., journal articles or books).
6. Make sure you paraphrase and cite properly so that you do not plagiarize. Follow an
established citation style for referring to the sources (e.g., APA, IEEE, MLA…).
7. Paraphrase—use no or very little direct quote.
8. Check your essay carefully for grammar and organization.
9. After the References list, include an out line for the paper
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