Addicted to Sex

Sally presents for counseling and states, “I am addicted to sex.” She says that she knows this because she took a quiz on the Internet and received a score that read, “Go see a counselor.” Additionally, she states that it is not uncommon for her to go home from the bar with strangers simply to have sex. She states she thinks about sex all the time and masturbates when she cannot have sex. She sometimes looks at pornography on the Internet but states, “I am more interested in reality than fantasy.” She does acknowledge that she was in trouble twice at work for pornography on her computer. She states that she pays for sex at least 3–4 times a month. She says that she has been this way ever since she can remember. She is worried that if her partner finds out, she “will be in big trouble!”

What is Sally’s potential DSM-5 diagnosis, and what do you suggest for treatment? Be sure to address if Sally needs a referral for medication.

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