
Your task: Using the stakeholder analysis framework, prepare an analysis paper of a current
issue within health care. Clearly state what the issue is. Describe the different opinions or
sides of the argument for the issue. Identify the relevant stakeholders involved in the issue.
Provide your opinion on the issue, based on the available evidence.
The paper must be written in a scholarly manner, and include references from peer-reviewed
articles. Clearly state the purpose and include a strong introduction and a strong
summary/conclusion. Use sub-headings to divide sections.
Include your information gathering matrix and influence/power matrix in an appendix.
Submit your assignment through Blackboard. Once you submit your assignment, it will be
forwarded to Turnitin. Please refer to the course outline for more information on Turnitin.
APA Style 6th Edition
10 page maximum, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1 inch
margins, page numbers.
Reference page and appendices are NOT included in the 10 page maximum.
Include your name and student number on your assignment. You are not required to
have a title page.
Assignment 3 Rubric:
20% – Accuracy
60% – Critical thinking and writing skills (Evidence of analysis and original thought, flow
of ideas, grammar, spelling, punctuation – refer to the course outline for more details.)
10% – Referencing
10% – Formatting

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