International Women and Hip Hop

explore the voices, expressions, artistry and perspectives of women in hip-hop internationally. It is fine to include

some American women in your work; however, please avoid the handful of famous mainstream American rappers you already

know (Lil Kim, Izzy Azalea, Nicky Minaj, etc). The point is for us all to embark on new territory within hip-hop. Who are

the many thousands of incredible female emcees, graffiti artists, b-girls, djs, and activists throughout the world who

are making art and making things happen while the mainstream asks, “Where are the women in hip-hop?”
The following five web articles are a starting point for beginning to explore artists new to you (they are not for

referencing in your paper).
• (Links to

an external site.)
• (Links to an external

• (Links to an external site.)
• (Links

to an external site.)
• (Links to an external

Identify / choose at least five internationally recognized female hip-hop artists and engage in-depth with their music

and perspective. Listen to their music and seek out their art (b-girls, graffiti and visual artists matter too). What

ideas/themes/experiences resonate? How can you sum up the key issues that your artists keep coming back to? What are

these artists saying individually or collectively about their experiences with gender, race, class, and personal, social

and cultural issues? What do you want to say about their work? What do you feel society at large, and your community in

particular, should know about their artistry and any broader work they are doing in their communities?
Research and identify an additional 5 online resources that provide some perspective on the issues/concepts/themes that

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you are pulling out of your artists’ music and artistry. Meaning, find some additional academic, activist, literary,

philosophical and theoretical perspective about the issues and ideas your artists are expressing. Whenever possible,

choose pieces that are written by women. Choose journals/blogs/articles that have academic value (I leave this to your

judgement). These online resources do not need to be about or in reference to the artists you choose, but they should

reflect the issues/themes you have chosen (ex. Latin-American history, feminism in West Africa, international social

movements for justice, modern Cuban society, what it means to be a women, what it means to be a feminist, what it means

to be a female hip hop artist, perspectives on sexuality among young women outside the United States, women’s

perspectives on technology, etc. etc. etc.)
All of this is source material for you to learn, say, and share something about the way women throughout the world are

utilizing hip-hop to express themselves and their roots, and to shape their futures.
1. Write a minimum 6 page paper, 1 inch margins double spaced, in 12 pt Times New Roman font, which has a clear thesis

and incorporates your audio and written sources. Cite your sources.
2. Host a gathering of people in your community. Aim for eight or more people. Some friends and/or family is fine, but

aim to bring different people together and invite some new people into your academic experience. Share your paper, share

some of your favorite music that you discovered through this assignment, and facilitate conversations about the music you

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are sharing.
3. Add a 2 page reflection (in addition to five page paper) about the gathering you host and provide a photo image of

your gathering.

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