Data and Collection Analysis when employing HR practioners

Assessment 3: Data Collection and Analysis (20%) (Approx. 1500 words)

This assessment aims to address the characteristics, skills, qualifications and/or experiences that current employers are looking for when employing HR practitioners. You are required to complete desktop research for this assessment, by following these steps.

Step 1: Collect 10 job advertisements from your local job (Singapore) advertisement websites recruiting HR graduates (at senior level or for entry level HR positions). Only one of these jobs can be for an agency recruiter. Please append a copy of these ads to your submission.

In your report, describe how you selected the job advertisements (for instance did you retrieve them all on one day?) and any criteria you used to make this selection (i.e. did you remove any job ads that asked for over three years work experience? etc). Cite any sources which have assisted in the development of this research strategy.

Also provide some detail about the general characteristics of the job advertisements. For example in what industries were the job advertisements?; were the jobs full-time or part-time?; were jobs for continuous positions or fixed-term contract only posts?

Step 2: Collate and synthesise the key skills and competencies referred to in the job advertisements.

In your report, describe how you went about this synthesis process.

The layout of the assessment is up to you, but you should provide a table of the technical and/or generic competencies the review has identified. This table is not included in your word count.

Data Collection and Analysis Marking Guide (20%)

READ ALSO :   Science and Materials

Student name: _____________________Student number: _________________

Content/Selection of job advertisements (2.5 marks): Does the selected material reflect a good understanding of the topic?

Analysis of advertisements (5 marks):

Does the analysis process reflect a good understanding of the topic?

Overall understanding and explanation of data collection and analysis process (7.5 marks):

Has the student demonstrated that they can adequately summarise and present the material in a suitable format?

English Expression, including layout, presentation and correct referencing

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