nutrition assessment

This assignment involves reviewing a population-based approach to measuring dietary behaviour or physical activity.

The assessment relates to the following unit objectives:

1. Describe the variety of methods available to assess and monitor nutrition in individuals, groups, and populations that may be used to inform practice.

2. Explain the current Australian standards for assessment of nutrition to interpret results within the context of individual and/or population level practice.

3. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of specific measures, and thus be able to select and justify appropriate methods to measure nutrition for a specific purpose (e.g., surveillance versus screening versus detection of change in behaviour).

4. Demonstrate an understanding of the approaches to assess validity and reliability of measures to assess nutrition.


Compare and contrast two nutritional measures suitable for assessing individual behaviour OR population monitoring for a setting, context or target group of your choice .

In your response, you should address the following questions:

1. What are the strengths of this measure? What are its limitations?

2. Critically analyse this measure for obtaining valid and reliable estimates of dietary behavior/ What are the challenges that arise when using this measure, and how can they be overcome?

3. How does this measure relate to assessing population-level diet behaviours in relation to national recommendations (i.e. dietary guidelines)?


This assignment should use formal language that would be used in a report. It should follow report format using the headings provided

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