Design and Technology

Describe In one paragraph the implementation of IT governance in your organization. If not there, explain why you should propose it to the BoDs?

In one paragraph, describe how IT changes are managed in your business organization.

Dose your organization have a BCM function? If not there, how would you propose the BCM value to your BoDs? Answer should be limited ri one paragraph.

The body of the written assignment should be in double-space, Times New Roman 12, and exactly one page.

Assignments will be graded according to the following distribution:
Criteria Weight:

Clarity and logic of presentation 10
Grammar and punctuations 10
Use of course material 30
Addressing assignment topic 30
Assessment and Critique 20
Total 100

Use the slides that i send to help you in your write.

I’m working in banks ornaization, so im a banker.
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