Joan of Arc

Answer the following:

Explain Parts 1 and 2

Part 1-really explain- how an illiterate, underage peasant girl child named Joan one day saw a vision and walked out of a field in which she was working as a serf/laborer and jumped on a horse-now do any of you ride-does anyone know how long it takes to ride a horse? -or how difficult it is?- even a plow horse let alone a charger into battle in war gear?-ok-she gets on a horse and finds her way without mishap mind you to the French army camp and convinces the French commanders, including the Dauphin, to allow her to command-not join-command a part of the French army with the Dauphin-riding a war charger in war armor-for years-until the King is crowned in French fashion, the French begin to push the English army and its allies out of France and Joan is captured by the Burgundians (Frenchmen allied with English)?- Explain that situation to me and how this person did these actions? Really-now-explain to me how this whole event in French history occurred in real military command and battle terms. What would you have done if you were a French infantryman at the time?

Part 2-Joan of Arc

A saint to her followers until turned over to the Church to answer for accusations of heresy by her King-burned at the stake as a condemned heretic for wearing men’s clothes and the like, canonized 500 years later by that Church that accused her of heresy-she rides in armor as a golden statute leading her troops forward in France and in countries all over the world, including in front of the Art Museum in Philadelphia, PA-SO-was Joan of Arc a heroic warrior? Why or why not?
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