Health Care

This 23-year-old female is brought to the emergency department after being found by her college roommate. Sometime within the last hour and a half – after the roommate left, the patient ingested her entire bottle of verapamii (estimated at over 20 pills) as a suicide attempt, evidenced by a note. The physician ordered a high-dose glucagon HCI administration as an antidote, consisting of 10 mg/100 ml of 05W in an IV over 2 minutes, followed by a 5 mg/100 ml of D5W per hour for 2 more hours. A gastric lavage and aspiration were also performed. The patient’s vital signs stabilized and lab work returned to normal over the next several hours. The patient was transferred to an inpatient psychiatric facility for follow-up treatment on her suicide attempt. Assign the correct codes for this encounter. 1CD-9-CM, CPT, and HCPCS Level II Code(s): 1CD-10-CM Code(s):

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