Lifestyle Factors

Use the following questions to help you explain how the key lifestyle factors have an impact on health and well-being (P1, M1).

Diet and Nutrition:

1. Explain the 5 key components in a balanced diet, and why they are important in our diets.

2. What % should the following nutrients be in our diet?

Carbohydrates =

Fats =

Protein =

3. Explain the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats. What role do they play in our diets?

4. What roles does water play in our diet?

5. What is the recommended daily intake for water?

6. What is the recommended daily calorie intake for men and women to maintain a healthy ‘energy balance’?

7. What could happen if energy balance is not achieved?

Physical Activity Levels

1. What are the current physical activity guidelines for staying healthy?

2. Explain the benefits of regular physical activity.

3. What are the health risks associated with low activity levels?


1. What is a unit of alcohol?

2. What is the recommended daily allowance for men and women?

3. What are the health risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption?


Explain the health risks associated with smoking.
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