Annotated Bibliography

Students will write a 1000-word annotated bibliography using FIVE sources (e.g. books, book chapters or journal articles) related to the essay question they have chosen to respond to. This task requires you to: locate relevant sources, identify the key arguments/ideas in the sources, evaluate their credibility and comment on they may be be useful for the argument you wish to make in your essay. You must also give a correct and complete citation for each source, using APA style of referencing as per instructions in the Wk 4 workshop.

So, each annotated bibliography about 200 words, five sources totally 1000 words.
Essay topics
1.Select a contemporary issue of cultural difference or conflict. Analyse media coverage, comparing how a variety of sources, national and international, represent the same event.

2.Can the expression of religious cultural identity be accommodated in secular
nations? Use specific examples to argue your case.

3.Should Human Rights be understood as universal concepts, or are they culturally relative? Use one or two specific examples to develop your argument.

4.Does the dominance of Western cultural products threaten the diversity of
cultural identities in the world today? Use two or three contemporary examples to argue your case.

5.Does the concept of multiculturalism challenge notions of national identity and citizenship? Use specific examples to support your case.

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