Addressing Ethical Implications in the Treatment of ADHD

As a counselor, how would you know that it is absolutely time to act on behalf of your client? Generally, counselors attempt to empower clients to care for their own problems by supporting client agency. However, in some cases clients may be stifled in their efforts to self-advocate. In other instances, clients may make dangerous, potentially lethal decisions out of misinformation or attempts to get high. Counselors should be prepared to identify warning signs that might indicate a need to make a move to protect a client beyond asking that she or he take the necessary steps.

For this Assignment, review the ADHD case study of Junior in the Learning Resources. Consider the ethical implications of the client?s presentation and the role of the counselor in treating this client. Plan steps to begin treatment of this client?s condition.

In a 2- to 3-page APA-formatted paper, include the following:

An explanation of what may be occurring in this case

An explanation of the steps a counselor might take to treat this client

Address ethical implications that may be present

Address larger ethical implications of medical treatment of ADHD

Support for your response with scholarly evidence and information from the DSM

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