Film & Theater studies

Article “Data-Ink and Graphical Redesign” and “Chartjunk: Vibrations, Grids, and Ducks” in Visual Display by Edward Tufte.

2.1) What is the ‘data-ink ratio?’ Are high data-ink ratios desirable or undesirable? Explain.

2.2) What is ‘chartjunk?’ Give two examples of chartjunk commonly observed in data graphics.

2.3) Find an example of a well made data graphic and one example of a poorly made data graphic. Insert those graphics into your memo. Explain your rationale for each in terms of principles put forth in Visual Display. The graphics could be obtained from original sources (cite your sources) or you can develop the examples yourself

2.4) Although Tufte’s discussion focuses on charts and graphs, how do the same principles apply to tables – i.e., rows and columns of data? Give examples of chartjunk found in tables and how to improve.
Write an organized, detailed five-page analysis of how the film you have chosen illustrates the points made in the outline and the readings that correspond to your topic. Please incorporate observations from your notes that support these points. Writing multiple drafts will help you refine the quality of your argument and address all of the points raised in the outline. Page six of your essay should be a bibliography that cites your sources in the format provided under each topic below.

Please do not use fan-based websites such as Wikipedia. Please keep a hard copy of the essay you turn in. Please also retain the graded essay that is returned to you. No late essays will be accepted. Please analyze only the required film in your essay.
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