Attached Files:
B N951 trial of treatment acute otorrhea.pdf (523.73 KB)
B N951 FRAX without Bone Mineral Density Versus Osteoporosis Self-Assessment Screening Tool as Predictors of Osteoporosis in Primary
Screening of Individuals Aged 70 and Olderpdf (59.354 KB)
The important concepts in this section include sensitivity, specificity. receiver operator curves. and likelihood ratios. survival analysis.

Kaplan Meier
For homework, please submit the answers to the following questions:
1. For sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios, please watch/ listen to the posted slides/ audio. Then please complete the following

For a PSA of 4.1 , the test is 20% sensitive and 94% specific. Assume that 8% of men over 40 have prostate cancer. Calculate the PPV, NPV, LR+
and LR- for this data and show your work, including a 2×2 table.
2. For survival analysis / Kaplan Meier curves. please read the acute otorrhea research. For Figure 2. please explain what data censoring is and

they did it. Also, for each day 6-9 and for each group. explain in detail what the graph is showing. Lastly, please three ideas you learned that

applicable to your practice.
3. For receiver operator curves. read the FHAX research study and compare the ‘area under the curve“ for the measures and explain what “area
under the curve” represents and means to a clinician. Also, explain why the specifcities of the measures is a concern. Lastiy. please three ideas

learned that are applicable to your practice.

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