Computer science

Can machines become too smart? – A possible scenario or paranoia?
prepare a presentation of approximately 15-20 minutes. The presentation should provide the audience with insights to the topic as well as a clear,

argumentative answer to the title question. The presentation should be interesting and engaging with the use of interesting facts and info. The

presentation should be of advanced level with reference to the pioneers in the field and their contribution.

The topic is about computers. Reference to topics like: Singularity, DNA, Artificial Intelligence, Complexity etc. is required.

Finally, the presentation should convey a story about computers, their development and possible scenarios in future.

The conclusion of this presentation should state that Machines will not outsmart humanity for we are the superior creature.

When you will be mentioning Artificial Intelligence, please make sure that you prove that it will be possible soon, however we do not envision AI in

the way it will actually operate. Machines will not gain full understanding of their consciousness. There will be, however, partial understanding of

reality by machines.

I would like to have a speech for each slide to be included under the slide in the notes section. The speech should be clear and include all of the

information provided by the slide.
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